Andrei Baechle - Meeting Scribe

Major: Software Engineering
Minor: Russian
I have worked with JS HTML and CSS in Iowa State classes and at my internship with QiLearning Research Group.
Joshua Flory - Project Manager

Major: Software Engineering
Minor: Music
Background: I have worked with SQL, Node, PHP, and Coldfusion in my personal projects and my internship at Octadyne Systems.
Bennett Ray - Meeting Coordinator

Major: Software Engineering
Minor: Cyber Secuity
Background: I have worked with React, Angular, and .NET Core during my internships at Farm Credit Services of America and Buildertrend.
Robert Shay - Development Lead: Back-end

Major: Software Engineering
Background: I have worked with React, TypeScript, Express, Docker, Java, and Spring in my personal projects and my internships at Vertex Software and Source Allies.
Ty Trinh - Test Engineer

Major: Software Engineering
Background: I have worked with Selenium, SQL, Spring, and AngularJS during my internship at Maverick Consulting